
This is a machine generated stub using stdlib-doc for class Regexp
Ruby sources used: Ruby-1.8.8 stable
Created on Thu Mar 12 13:35:38 +0300 2009 by IntelliJ Ruby Stubs Generator.

# Document-class: Regexp
# A Regexp holds a regular expression, used to match a pattern
# against strings. Regexps are created using the /.../ and
# %r{...} literals, and by the Regexp::new
# constructor.
class Regexp < Object
IGNORECASE = nil #value is unknown, used for indexing.
EXTENDED = nil #value is unknown, used for indexing.
MULTILINE = nil #value is unknown, used for indexing.
# Synonym for
def self.compile(*smth) #paramteres couldn`t be extracted
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# Regexp.escape(str) => a_str
# Regexp.quote(str) => a_str
# Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a regular
# expression. Returns a new escaped string, or self if no characters are
# escaped. For any string,
# Regexp.escape(str)=~str will be true.
# Regexp.escape('\\*?{}.') #=> \\\\\*\?\{\}\.
def self.quote(str)
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# Regexp.escape(str) => a_str
# Regexp.quote(str) => a_str
# Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a regular
# expression. Returns a new escaped string, or self if no characters are
# escaped. For any string,
# Regexp.escape(str)=~str will be true.
# Regexp.escape('\\*?{}.') #=> \\\\\*\?\{\}\.
def self.escape(str)
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# Regexp.union(pat1, pat2, ...) => new_regexp
# Regexp.union(pats_ary) => new_regexp
# Return a Regexp object that is the union of the given
# patterns, i.e., will match any of its parts. The patterns
# can be Regexp objects, in which case their options will be preserved, or
# Strings. If no patterns are given, returns /(?!)/.
# Regexp.union #=> /(?!)/
# Regexp.union("penzance") #=> /penzance/
# Regexp.union("a+b*c") #=> /a\+b\*c/
# Regexp.union("skiing", "sledding") #=> /skiing|sledding/
# Regexp.union(["skiing", "sledding"]) #=> /skiing|sledding/
# Regexp.union(/dogs/, /cats/i) #=> /(?-mix:dogs)|(?i-mx:cats)/
def self.union(*several_variants)
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# Regexp.last_match => matchdata
# Regexp.last_match(fixnum) => str
# The first form returns the MatchData object generated by the
# last successful pattern match. Equivalent to reading the global variable
# $~. The second form returns the nth field in this
# MatchData object.
# /c(.)t/ =~ 'cat' #=> 0
# Regexp.last_match #=> #
# Regexp.last_match(0) #=> "cat"
# Regexp.last_match(1) #=> "a"
# Regexp.last_match(2) #=> nil
def self.last_match(*several_variants)
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# [, options [, lang]]) => regexp
# => regexp
# Regexp.compile(string [, options [, lang]]) => regexp
# Regexp.compile(regexp) => regexp
# Constructs a new regular expression from pattern, which can be either
# a String or a Regexp (in which case that regexp's
# options are propagated, and new options may not be specified (a change as of
# Ruby 1.8). If options is a Fixnum, it should be one or
# more of the constants Regexp::EXTENDED,
# Regexp::IGNORECASE, and Regexp::MULTILINE,
# or-ed together. Otherwise, if options is not
# nil, the regexp will be case insensitive. The lang
# parameter enables multibyte support for the regexp: `n', `N' = none, `e',
# `E' = EUC, `s', `S' = SJIS, `u', `U' = UTF-8.
# r1 ='^a-z+:\\s+\w+') #=> /^a-z+:\s+\w+/
# r2 ='cat', true) #=> /cat/i
# r3 ='dog', Regexp::EXTENDED) #=> /dog/x
# r4 = #=> /cat/i
#This is a stub, used for indexing
# rxp.hash => fixnum
# Produce a hash based on the text and options of this regular expression.

def hash()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp == other_rxp => true or false
# rxp.eql?(other_rxp) => true or false
# Equality---Two regexps are equal if their patterns are identical, they have
# the same character set code, and their casefold? values are the
# same.
# /abc/ == /abc/x #=> false
# /abc/ == /abc/i #=> false
# /abc/u == /abc/n #=> false

def eql?(other_rxp)
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp == other_rxp => true or false
# rxp.eql?(other_rxp) => true or false
# Equality---Two regexps are equal if their patterns are identical, they have
# the same character set code, and their casefold? values are the
# same.
# /abc/ == /abc/x #=> false
# /abc/ == /abc/i #=> false
# /abc/u == /abc/n #=> false

def == other_rxp
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.match(str) => matchdata or nil
# Returns a MatchData object describing the match, or
# nil if there was no match. This is equivalent to retrieving the
# value of the special variable $~ following a normal match.
# /(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc")[2] #=> "b"

def =~(p1)
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp === str => true or false
# Case Equality---Synonym for Regexp#=~ used in case statements.
# a = "HELLO"
# case a
# when /^[a-z]*$/; print "Lower case\n"
# when /^[A-Z]*$/; print "Upper case\n"
# else; print "Mixed case\n"
# end
# produces:
# Upper case

def === str
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# ~ rxp => integer or nil
# Match---Matches rxp against the contents of $_.
# Equivalent to rxp =~ $_.
# $_ = "input data"
# ~ /at/ #=> 7

def ~ rxp
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.match(str) => matchdata or nil
# Returns a MatchData object describing the match, or
# nil if there was no match. This is equivalent to retrieving the
# value of the special variable $~ following a normal match.
# /(.)(.)(.)/.match("abc")[2] #=> "b"

def match(str)
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.to_s => str
# Returns a string containing the regular expression and its options (using the
# (?xxx:yyy) notation. This string can be fed back in to
# Regexp::new to a regular expression with the same semantics as
# the original. (However, Regexp#== may not return true when
# comparing the two, as the source of the regular expression itself may
# differ, as the example shows). Regexp#inspect produces a
# generally more readable version of rxp.
# r1 = /ab+c/ix #=> /ab+c/ix
# s1 = r1.to_s #=> "(?ix-m:ab+c)"
# r2 = #=> /(?ix-m:ab+c)/
# r1 == r2 #=> false
# r1.source #=> "ab+c"
# r2.source #=> "(?ix-m:ab+c)"

def to_s()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.inspect => string
# Produce a nicely formatted string-version of _rxp_. Perhaps surprisingly,
# #inspect actually produces the more natural version of
# the string than #to_s.
# /ab+c/ix.to_s #=> /ab+c/ix

def inspect()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.source => str
# Returns the original string of the pattern.
# /ab+c/ix.source #=> "ab+c"

def source()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.casefold? => true or false
# Returns the value of the case-insensitive flag.

def casefold?()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.options => fixnum
# Returns the set of bits corresponding to the options used when creating this
# Regexp (see Regexp::new for details. Note that additional bits
# may be set in the returned options: these are used internally by the regular
# expression code. These extra bits are ignored if the options are passed to
# Regexp::new.
# Regexp::IGNORECASE #=> 1
# Regexp::EXTENDED #=> 2
# Regexp::MULTILINE #=> 4
# /cat/.options #=> 128
# /cat/ix.options #=> 131
#'cat', true).options #=> 129
#'cat', 0, 's').options #=> 384
# r = /cat/ix
#, r.options) #=> /cat/ix

def options()
#This is a stub, used for indexing

# rxp.kcode => str
# Returns the character set code for the regexp.

def kcode()
#This is a stub, used for indexing